Continuum of Service Options

What is Least Restrictive Environment?
The least restrictive environment (LRE) is the setting where the student can most appropriately receive his or her educational services.  The goal is to increase the opportunities he or she has for accessing the general education classroom with non-disabled peers.  A student should only be removed from the general education environment when the general curriculum is ineffective for him or her even when supplementary aides are provided.

General Education Classroom
The general education classroom refers to a class taught by a regular certified teacher.  These classes may include paraprofessionals who offer additional support to students or special education certified teachers who [co-] teach with the general education teacher.

Total Resource Classroom
The total resource classroom is designed to provide students with direct instruction from a special education teacher in all core subject areas.   Academics, social skills and independent functional skills are a focus.  This class is particularly helpful to students who do not deal with multiple teachers or transition from class to class easily.

Transitional Resource Room
Transitional Total Resource is a way to transition students from the CBI classroom to the Total Resource or Resource setting. The Transitional Total resource class is 1 teacher to 10 students with an aid who assist in one elective class. Students attend Reading, English, Math, Science and History with the same teacher and take two elective classes in the regular education setting. This class works on students gaining independence around school, between classes, during lunch and in elective classes. Once students have gained the skills they need to function independently around school they are moved to the Total Resource or Resource class. This can begin with one to two classes and will be increased as students make progress and are successful.

Self-contained Classroom
This classroom is especially designed for students who need a highly structured program to develop daily living skills.  This class is limited to 10 students with one teacher and multiple paraprofessionals to provide personal care, supervision and instruction.

Intensive Support Classroom
There are just a few students whose need for a high degree of supervision require a very small classroom of less than six students with a high ratio of staff to students. Programs are individually designed to meet the varied needs of each student.

Learning & Imagining New Keys to Success (LINKS)
The LINKS program is designed to meet the social, emotional, academic, and behavioral needs of students with behavioral challenges. The LINKS program serves Students K-12 as a part of the Special Education Program. LINKS classes are staffed with a Special Education teacher and a trained paraprofessional who provide academic instruction and social skills training. Licensed therapists provide group therapy sessions as well as individual and family therapy as determined by the IEP team.

Community-Based Instruction (CBI)
This classroom provides for students with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to learn and practice functional skills in a variety of settings. This instructional model also facilitates the transition from school to work students with more severe disabilities.