2024-25 Registration

Other Forms

Step One:
Determine zoned school (K-12).
Students should register at their zoned school (including incoming Kindergarten students).
In the Bryant School District, students in grades K-7 are assigned to schools based on home address. Use the School Search tool to determine school zone.
Bryant School District has eight elementary schools serving students in grades K-5. The Pre-K program is housed at Bryant Elementary.
Students entering middle schools (6-7th grades) are zoned by home address. Those living north of Interstate 30 attend Bethel Middle School. Those living south of Interstate 30 attend Bryant Middle School.
Students in grades 8 and 9 attend Bryant Junior High School.
All students in grades 10-12 attend Bryant High School.
Elementary Zones (Zoomable PDF)
Elementary Zones (Printable PDF)
Step Two:
registro en línea (en español)
Create an account. Complete forms online.
If you are unable to register online from your personal device, you may contact your zoned school to register online at the school office.
Step Three:
In addition to registering online, parents must upload the following required documents:
Documentation of student’s date of birth including one of the following:
Copy of birth certificate
Passport showing student’s date of birth
United States military identification showing student’s date of birth
Previous school records showing student’s date of birth
Copy of social security card
Official up-to-date shot records
Completed Physical Health Assessment by Physician (Kindergarten Registration ONLY)
Completed Home Language Survey (English) (en español)
Completed Residency Form (English) (en español)
Proof of residency which must include current Personal Property Assessment AND one of the following:
Current Headline utility bill (gas, water, or electric bill)
Current rent receipt
Current lease agreement
Dated contract for the purchase of home
Dated contract for closing on construction of a new home.
Documents will need to be scanned and saved to your computer in order to upload them into the application. You may also take photos of the documents for upload. If you are unable to upload the required documents, you may visit your student's zoned school for assistance. Be sure to include the student’s name with documents.
NOTE: If you are unable to register online from your personal device, you may contact your zoned school to register online at the school office.