One ColumnSalem Waste Water

When Salem was constructed, no tie in existed to municipal water. The district operated an outdated and high maintenance waster water treatment plant until the passage of the millage allowed funds to connect to the City of Benton water supply. Bryant’s Maintenance Department personnel developed a solution to save the district thousands of dollars on the project.

Completed: August 2017

Estimated Costs*: $500,000

Final Costs: $138,373.50 (design fees, connection fees and construction costs)

*The estimated cost for construction were derived from square foot calculations based on several known facts such as possible site locations, timing/scheduling, extensive historical cost data on similar projects in Central Arkansas, market conditions, inflationary impact study, State POR (Program of Requirements) and years of history of working with designs of the architect selected by the district. Estimates were based on costs for 2016.