Social Services

  1. Community Involvement

  2. Home Visits

  3. Truancy Intervention

  4. Liaison with local juvenile court system

Lisa McNeely has served as Bryant Schools’ social worker for the past ten years. She helps families understand the importance of school attendance by working to keep students present and parents involved. She also conducts home visits and serves as a liaison with the local juvenile court system. 

Truancy is often a symptom of a more serious problem, all of which can affect your child’s education. Enforcing truancy laws starts the intervention process that can help families in crisis.

Truancy often results from:

  • Peer pressure

  • Separation or divorce within the family

  • Abuse or neglect

  • Mental and physical health issues

  • Drug and alcohol abuse by parent or student

  • Moving repeatedly

  • Low self-esteem

  • Financial problems

  • Lack of friends

  • Safety concerns

  • Lack of academic skills

  • Boredom

Truant students may eventually drop out of school, often leading to life struggles including:

  • Struggling to catch up on assignments

  • Failing classes

  • Increased risk of dropping out

  • Risk of not obtaining higher education

  • Decreased earning ability

  • Involvement in daytime crime

  • Involvement in gangs

  • Two and a half times more likely to be on welfare

Our common goal is to work together to help our children be successful. If you have a question or concern, please contact Lisa McNeely today. or 501-653-5080