GT Awareness Week

February 19-23 is Gifted and Talented Awareness Week in Arkansas and we’re celebrating all the opportunities and programs offered to our GT students. 

Kindergarten–2nd Grade

Students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades are taught creative thinking during LEAP time (Learning Enrichment Activities Program). This is our students’ first exposure to GT programming in the district.

During LEAP time, the GT teacher joins the classroom teacher in providing an enrichment lesson. This lesson focuses on reasoning and creativity. Students learn these aspects of creative thinking:

  • Fluency - How many ideas can I think of?

  • Flexibility - How many different ways can I look at this?

  • Originality - Are my ideas ones that no one else will think of?

  • Elaboration - What details can I add to this idea?

You can practice creative thinking anytime at home! You could even make it into a game.

3rd Grade–5th Grade

3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students who are evaluated and identified for gifted services receive those services in a GT resource room with a GT certified teacher. 

In the GT Resource Room, students participate in extensions of learning. They complete enrichment activities, build reasoning skills, practice problem-solving, and participate in creative activities.

Students completed a unit on Codes & Ciphers in the fall. This led some students to an interest in the CSI field with a discussion of clues and solving mysteries. Our 5th graders even got to participate in a hands-on workshop with the Little Rock Crime Lab where they learned all about investigating evidence.

6th Grade–12th Grade

Students in grades 6-12 who are identified as GT qualify for Honors and Accelerated courses; they must choose at least one qualifying course each year. As they enter secondary school, they begin learning about their own strengths and interests, selecting courses which fit their focus areas.

Choices include our Honors courses and Accelerated courses. English and Social Studies Honors classes provide differentiation in content, pace, and product for gifted and high ability students. The content presented may be at a higher level and/or address deeper discussion and more complex ideas. Students may learn at a faster pace, covering more information and content in a span of time. Expectations of mastery may be presented in different ways for gifted and talented students.

Math and science classes provide many of the same differentiated opportunities, but are also accelerated so students cover more standards in a year and are able to earn high school credits for math and science while in 8th Grade. This allows the students to take more science and math courses in their high school career.

Advanced Placement ©

AP© courses are offered beginning in the 9th Grade to any student who accepts the challenge! Our GT students participate in many of our AP© courses. These are college level courses offered by AP© certified teachers through the College Board Advanced Placement program

Students are able to take the college level courses while still in high school and to potentially earn college credit by exam. Exams are taken in May each year and if a student schools a 3 or more on the 1-5 rubric, the student may earn college credit.  Students must check with their college or university for details on what qualifies. The exam fee is paid for by a grant through ADE as long as the student is enrolled in a full time course. The AP© program also awards the Scholar awards to students. Bryant had 179 students who earned this award during the 2023 spring semester.

Concurrent Credit

Bryant also offers many Concurrent Credit courses where students are dually enrolled in college and high school.

The courses have some prerequisites so students should check with their counselors for ACT score requirements, college enrollment requirements, and other information about the courses. Some AP© courses double as Concurrent Credit courses. The BHS Course Catalog has details on the courses offered.

Our GT and high ability students who take AP© and Concurrent Credit courses and pass the exams while in high school often enter college with many course credits, saving money and time for the scholar. Be sure to check with your college on how credits will be applied at that specific institution.


Extracurricular Activities & Academic Competition

Bryant Schools offers and supports many extracurricular activities, including several academic competitions like Quiz Bowl, Chess, and Robotics. All our competitive activities groups have earned a plethora of awards!

We also provide the PSAT to our 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders. We encourage our students to take this test early to prepare for the PSAT/NMSQT during their Junior year. Each year, Juniors across the country take this test to compete for the National Merit Scholarship Program.

Students who qualify and become National Merit semifinalists take the SAT during their senior year to compete for finalist. An honor of this magnitude can open so many doors for college acceptance and scholarships. This year, Bryant High School had three National Merit Finalists!